Does Location Matter?

Convicted Murderer Kermit Gosnell  / Courtesy of NBC News
Convicted Murderer Kermit Gosnell / Courtesy of NBC News

Like many of you, I was glad to hear that Kermit Gosnell was convicted on three counts of first degree murder today. If ever there was a case for the death penalty, I think his deserves no less. The jury’s finding however, leaves a nagging question about life and the practice of abortion.

Does location really matter?
If a baby is outside the womb and it’s neck is snipped -that is murder.
But If the baby is dismembered within the womb it is not?
We are a nation of great hypocrisy on this issue.

Mr. Gosnell believed that he was simply providing a service for women with unwanted pregnancies. He saw nothing wrong with killing the babies inside the womb, or outside the womb. His logic, though tragically flawed, is actually more reasonable than that of those who believe that the location of the baby matters.

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